Day 196-big

It seems as though everything in Vancouver is big. My jaw dropped at the sight of how gargantuan their mundane buildings are. The Library looks like a Coliseum for crying out loud.

In an attempt to busk, I wandered downtown for a few blocks, and happened to stumble into some sort of street festival. A friendly vendor pointed me towards what he called a great pitch. “Musicians line up to get that spot.” There were staggering numbers of people passing by me, and there was a sign telling me to get a permit, so I’m sure it was the right spot. Never have I had the displeasure of playing in a location so frustrating. In the time I was there, I didn’t make anything. Literally. No hyperbole. I’m sure if I was begging I would’ve gotten something at least. The amount of time I spend in a place is usually proportional to the money I can make there, so I’m leaving Vancouver as soon as possible.

I hate big cities.

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